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The Employment Rights Advice Blog

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for employees and employers



Am I entitled to get paid if I missed a day because of storm Ophelia?

aarc opheliaAs the country recovers from the impact of storm Ophelia, minds turn to practical matters like pay and entitlements.

The answer to the above question depends to a large extent on who pulled the trigger first.


 Losing your job

What next?


person facing white wall with banner stating What is your next step?Whether you have been dismissed from your employment, or have been made redundant, losing your job can be very traumatic. We take a look at how employment law protects you in Ireland.


What to do when it’s time to decide

man in window drinking coffee trying to decideWhen you have been dismissed from work, it can take a while before you start to think of the future in any detail. Your thoughts are centred on coping with the day to day adjustments that follow the loss of a job. Adjusting to a new routine. Wondering how that happened. Looking for a new job. All that paperwork.
Eventually the mist clears and you start to wonder, was my dismissal fair?


Translating employment documents

Understanding translation


Male and female reading documents on a wall and banner stating lost in translation?Employers under Irish law are not obliged to translate employment documents into other languages. In the past, employers usually produced employment documents in our second language, English, with mainly Government agencies and Gaeltacht employers offering the choice of our first language, Irish.

A lot has changed since then.

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