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The Employment Rights Advice Blog

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for employees and employers


Unfairly selected for redundancy

Questions to ask

aarc unfairredundancy350Do you believe you were unfairly selected for redundancy? How can you tell if you were unfairly made redundant? Did your employer get it wrong when they chose you for redundancy?


What to do if you are unfairly dismissed from your employment.

10 Point Guide

person walking in street and banner stating unfairly dismissed ?If you feel you have been unfairly dismissed in Ireland, this quick 10 point guide will help you decide whether to make a claim for unfair dismissal or not.

Let’s look at the main points of unfair dismissal law in Ireland and what decisions you have to make.

How is compensation calculated in Irish employment law ?

Working it out



calculator 350If you are preparing a claim for unfair dismissal you need to consider the question of compensation and how it is calculated.
How does the WRC adjudicator work out the amount of compensation which may be due to you ?


What is a career break?

Am I entitled to one ?



image of person in diving gear with banner stating Take the career break plunge?When we use the term career break, we are usually referring to an agreed period of absence from our job. This might be to enable us study, obtain work experience, devote time to family or simply to recharge our batteries. The job must be held open for us on our return. Otherwise it is simply ending your employment.

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