Health & Safety at work.

 Assessing the risks

safety workers rsblA comprehensive update of the law affecting health and safety in the workplace was incorporated in the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Acts 2005 and 2010. Download a copy of the revised 2005 act here ;

The acts are wide ranging and apply to all employers, employees and self employed people in the workplace.

The Safety, Health and Welfare at Work (General Application) Regulations 2007 list all of the regulations which apply to all employments in general.


The duties of the Employer

The focus is on taking steps to avoid and prevent workplace injuries.

The employer has a duty to:

  • Provide a safe workplace

  • Stop the risk of injury from the use of any article or substance including exposure to physical agents, noise and vibration

  • Guard against any improper behaviour which would endanger the safety,health and welfare of employees.

  • Train employees on health and safety matters.

  • Ensure that safety equipment and clothing is available to employees.

  • Appoint a safety officer


The duties of the Employee

The act also sets out the duties of the employee.

The employee has the following duties under the act:

  • Take steps to protect themselves and others in the workplace

  • Not to endanger themselves or others by their behaviour

  • To avoid being under the influence of drugs or alcohol while at work

  • To participate in reasonable medical or other assessment if the employer makes such a request

  • To report any defects which may cause injury to persons in the workplace


Risk assessment and safety statement

All employers must carry out a risk assessment and clearly identify any hazards which may exist in the workplace. How to deal with the risk must also be stated.

A safety statement must be prepared, based on the risks identified in the previous step. This must be freely accessible and reviewed regularly.

Download Health & Safety Authority guidelines here ;


What should I do next?

If you would like help and advice on preparing a full safety statement and review please contact us using the orange Yes! Tell Me More button below.  We are here to help.


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