Employment Law Documents 

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We provide up to date, cost effective, legal precedents for you to use in your business. Select what you want and only pay for what you need. Our large range of useful documents is organised into categories, to help you find what you are looking for.

To navigate , start with the tabs below. Choose the category tab which is most likely to have the document you want. For example, if you wanted a policy for dealing with Equality , click on the procedures tab and scroll down until you find it. Just click on the document that interests you and you will be brought to a page with more information on that document. Click on the paypal button. you will be brought to a secure PayPal page where you  can then purchase the document. All of your financial transaction is handled exclusively by PayPal on their secure server. They maintain the highest standards of security.When the purchase is complete, you will be brought to a page where you can download the document, together with any relevant guides and “How To” videos. You do not have to have a paypal account to use this payment method. You can use your credit/debit card.

Our documents are downloaded in rich text format (RTF) which is suitable for use with most word processing software, including all windows based programs.They come with a useful guide on how to complete them. You can choose to have your document reviewed by an expert. We strongly recommend this as a way to treat yourself to some peace of mind.

We offer a full range of employment documents under five main headings

grey doc45     Employer -  Contracts of employment

 Essential employment terms

By law every employer must furnish the essential terms of employment to an employee within two calendar months of commencing employment. This document covers those essentials, and nothing more. It is a very simple contract, designed for the employer who wants a simple document which complies with the legislation.

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Download document only   €45.00
With expert review              €110.00
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Standard employment contract

By law, every employer must furnish the essential terms of employment to an employee within two calendar months of commencing employment. This document covers those essentials and more. It covers a wide range of subjects, including, pay, bonuses,time off, leave, lay offs, disciplinary, dismissal, remote working, policies,confidentiality,references,and more.

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Download document only    €110.00
With expert review               €220.00
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Consultant Confidentiality Agreement

A consultant confidentiality agreements protects your business information and protects the confidentiality of your clients and staff. It cna be used when employing outside consultants for your business. e.g. IT computer consultants.

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Download document only    €45.00
With expert review                €95.00
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Fixed term employment contract

By law, every employer must furnish the essential terms of employment to an employee within two calendar months of commencing employment. If you wish to take on an employee for a period which ends either when a specific task has been completed, or a specified event has occurred, or a stated date has been reached, this is the document for you.

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Download document only   €110.00
With expert review              €220.00
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   grey doc45  Employer -  Discipline

Disciplinary Procedures Policy

Every employer in Ireland has a legal obligation to provide each employee with a written copy of the procedures to be followed when dealing with discipline at work. Under the Unfair Dismissal Acts 1977 to 2007 this must be given within 28 days after entering a contract of employment.

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With expert review                €110.00
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Absence Management Policy

An absence management policy is a mixture of encouragement and obligations. A policy should set out the employer's expectations regarding attendance and absence. It should also make clear to the employee, what steps are required in the event of an absence. Who should they notify, when and how. They should give the employer a method of contacting them should the need arise.

If you have had a policy in place for a number of years, it may be a good time to have it reviewed to check that it is up to date,.

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With expert review               €110.00
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 Settlement Agreement

A Settlement Agreement is also known as a Compromise agreement. It is used where an employer and employee have reached an agreement to resolve a dispute which may, otherwise, have ended up in the Workplace Relations Commission or Court.

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Download document only   €120.00
With expert review               €220.00
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 Disciplinary Formal Verbal Warning  letters

We have grouped together two letters to provide you with a great value precedent package for dealing with the issue of a formal verbal warning.The first template is for a letter inviting the employee to a meeting to discuss their performance/conduct and to decide whether or not to issue a formal verbal warning.The second template is for a letter which summarises the formal verbal warning and what outcomes were agreed. 

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With expert review               €95.00
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Disciplinary meeting invitation letter

A disciplinary meeting invitation letter is an essential document for the employer who is faced with having to carry out a disciplinary process. Use this letter to inform an employee of a forthcoming disciplinary meeting.

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With expert review              €95.00
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Disciplinary meeting outcome letter

A disciplinary meeting outcome letter is an essential document for the employer who is faced with having to carry out a disciplinary process. Use this letter to inform an employee of the result of a disciplinary meeting.

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With expert review              €95.00
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Disciplinary appeal hearing letter

A disciplinary appeal hearing letter is an essential document for the employer who is faced with having to carry out a disciplinary process. Use this letter to inform an employee of the date, time and details of a disciplinary appeal hearing meeting.

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With expert review              €95.00
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 Disciplinary appeal hearing outcome letter

A disciplinary appeal hearing outcome letter is an essential document for the employer who is faced with having to carry out a disciplinary process. Use this letter to inform an employee of the outcome of a disciplinary appeal hearing meeting.

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With expert review              €95.00
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 Employee suspension letter pending investigation of allegations

The purpose of an employee suspension letter is to suspend an employee while an investigation is carried out into allegations of misconduct made against them. Suspension should only be used where the allegations are of a serious nature, such as gross misconduct or where there is a risk of the employee interfering with witnesses or evidence. Suspension should never be used as a punishment.


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Download document only €25.00
With expert review            €95.00
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 The Disciplinary Package

Get the following five documents together for €62.50, that’s a saving of 50%

Disciplinary meeting invitation letter

Disciplinary meeting outcome letter

Disciplinary appeal hearing letter

Disciplinary appeal hearing outcome letter

Employee suspension letter pending investigation of allegations

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Download document only €62.50
With expert review €237.50
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grey doc45     Employer -  Hiring

Employee hiring package

Euismod condimentum curae lectus nunc consequat neque orci a eu, ligula enim praesent tellus quisque elementum nulla nostra leo, libero ornare habitant duis himenaeos dictumst proin vitae. duis pharetra rhoncus volutpat eu quisque sodales tortor neque, fermentum sed ligula ornare dapibus aptent ornare, massa pharetra inceptos lacus eu dictum facilisis


Download document only   €70.00
With expert review               €125.00
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Applicant interview script

Euismod condimentum curae lectus nunc consequat neque orci a eu, ligula enim praesent tellus quisque elementum nulla nostra leo, libero ornare habitant duis himenaeos dictumst proin vitae. duis pharetra rhoncus volutpat eu quisque sodales tortor neque, fermentum sed ligula ornare dapibus aptent ornare, massa pharetra inceptos lacus eu dictum facilisis 

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Download document only   €40.00
With expert review                 €67.00
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Applicant rejection letter

Euismod condimentum curae lectus nunc consequat neque orci a eu, ligula enim praesent tellus quisque elementum nulla nostra leo, libero ornare habitant duis himenaeos dictumst proin vitae. duis pharetra rhoncus volutpat eu quisque sodales tortor neque, fermentum sed ligula ornare dapibus aptent ornare, massa pharetra inceptos lacus eu dictum facilisis 

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Download document only   €40.00
With expert review                 €67.00
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grey doc45     Employer -  Procedures

Equality Policy

The Employment Equality Acts 1998–2015 outlaw discrimination in a wide range of employment and employment-related areas. As an employer if you do not have an active policy in place and discrimination  occurs you are exposed. Protect yourself and your workforce. Download our Equality at Work Policy now.


Download document only   €45.00
With expert review                €110.00
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 Social Media Policy

The aim of a social media policy is to set expectations for appropriate behavior and ensure that an employee's posts will not expose the company to legal problems or public embarrassment.If you do not have a social media policy, you are putting your business at risk .

You can choose to download the document only or you can choose to have it reviewed by one of our experts after you have completed it. The document comes with a useful guide on how to complete it.It comes in RTF format which is suitable for use with most word processing software, including all windows based programs.


Download document only   €45.00
With expert review              €110.00
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Bereavement Policy

Although it is not required by law, having a bereavement policy is considered as best practice. It helps everyone in the company to deal with a sensitive subject at a difficult time in the employee's life. It demonstrates that you care about your staff and the proper functioning of your business. 

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Download document only   €45.00
With expert review              €110.00
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Employee Handbook

An employee handbook is a very useful document for the employer. It helps to communicate the company's policies and procedures. The employer can rely on it when implementing disciplinary and other procedures  If you do not have an Employee Handbook, you should get one now. Don't wait until it is too late. If you have had an Employee Handbook in place for a number of years, it may be a good time to have it reviewed to check that it is up to date,. Employment law in Ireland is constantly changing.

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Download document only  €175.00
With expert review                €287.00
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Employee Handbook (For transport/driving companies)

An employee handbook is a very useful document for the employer. It helps to communicate the company's policies and procedures. The employer can rely on it when implementing disciplinary and other procedures  If you do not have an Employee Handbook, you should get one now. Don't wait until it is too late. If you have had an Employee Handbook in place for a number of years, it may be a good time to have it reviewed to check that it is up to date,. Employment law in Ireland is constantly changing. Contains Safe Driving policy.

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Download document only  €175.00
With expert review                €287.00
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Maternity Leave Policy

It is important to have an uptodate maternity leave policy. It guides both the employee and employer through what is a very important life event. Having family friendly policies shows that you value your workforce and it also ensures that you meet your statutory requirements. This policy is a standard maternity leave  policy where no top up payment is made to the employee on maternity leave. You can add in an extra clause to deal with top up pay if you offer this extra. I recommend that you choose the expert help option for the top up option to ensure that the correct wording is used. 

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Download document only  €45.00
With expert review                €155.00
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Adoptive Leave Policy

It is important to have an uptodate adoptive leave policy. It guides both the employee and employer through what is a very important life event. Having family friendly policies shows that you value your workforce and it also ensures that you meet your statutory requirements. This policy is a standard maternity leave  policy where no top up payment is made to the employee on maternity leave. You can add in an extra clause to deal with top up pay if you offer this extra. I recommend that you choose the expert help option for the top up option to ensure that the correct wording is used. 

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Download document only  €45.00
With expert review                €155.00
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Paternity Leave Policy

It is important to have an uptodate paternity leave policy. It guides both the employee and employer through what is a very important life event. Having family friendly policies shows that you value your workforce and it also ensures that you meet your statutory requirements. This policy is a standard paternity leave  policy where no top up payment is made to the employee on paternity leave. You can add in an extra clause to deal with top up pay if you offer this extra. I recommend that you choose the expert help option for the top up option to ensure that the correct wording is used. 

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With expert review                €155.00
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Parental Leave Policy

It is important to have an uptodate parental leave policy. It guides both the employee and employer through what is a very important life event. Having family friendly policies shows that you value your workforce and it also ensures that you meet your statutory requirements. This policy is a standard parental leave  policy where no top up payment is made to the employee on parental leave. You can add in an extra clause to deal with top up pay if you offer this extra. I recommend that you choose the expert help option for the top up option to ensure that the correct wording is used. 

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With expert review                €155.00
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Working from Home Policy

This working from home policy is designed to facilitate home working . It has been amended to reflect the current Covid-19 crisis. It is written in plain English.It covers the essential requirements for working from home.

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Download document only  €45.00
With expert review                €110.00
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Sexual harassment policy

The need for a sexual harassment/bullying at work policy has never been greater. As an employer you have a duty to provide a safe system of work for all of your employees. Also as an employer you are vicariously liable for the actions of your employees, unless you have taken reasonable steps to prevent them. This policy is part of that process to protect you and your employees.

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With expert review                €110.00
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The right to Disconnect Policy

This right to disconnect policy complies with the recently launched Code of practice on the right to disconnect. It is written in plain English.It helps avoid expensive breaches of the code of practice.

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Download document only  €45.00
With expert review                €110.00
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grey doc45     Employee -  Documents to help the Employee


GDPR access request letter

A GDPR access request letter is an essential document for the employee who is faced with having to find out what data their employer (or any other data processor) holds on them. It gives you the peace of mind that comes from knowing that you are following the correct procedure. If you do not have a GDPR access request letter, you should get one now. It will save you time sending the correctly worded request letter.Your employer will have no excuse to delay sending you the requested information.


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Download document only   €10.00
With expert review                  €50.00
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Notification start date of maternity leave

The purpose of this letter is to notify your employer of the start date of  your maternity leave. It gives you the peace of mind that comes from knowing that you are following the correct procedure. You must give a minimum of four weeks notice to your employer of your maternity leave start date.

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Download document only   €5.00
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Notification of Intention to take Carer's Leave

The purpose of this letter is to notify your employer of your intention to take Carer's leave. It also doubles as a confirmation form, which can be used by you and your employer to confirm the agreed details of your Carer's leave.

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Notification of Intention to take Adoptive Leave

The purpose of this letter is to notify your employer of the start date of your adoptive leave. It gives you the peace of mind that comes from knowing that you are following the correct procedure.

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Download document only    €6.15
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Notification of date of return from Adoptive Leave

The purpose of this letter is to notify your employer of the date of return from your adoptive leave. It gives you the peace of mind that comes from knowing that you are following the correct procedure. You must give a minimum of four weeks notice to your employer of your return from adoptive leave.

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Download document only   €6.15
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