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Answers to questions frequently asked by employees in Ireland

The Organisation of Working Time Act 1997 sets out the rules for public holiday entitlements in Ireland. For more see

Yes. We have over thirty years experience of representing clients at various hearings.  Contact us to find out more.

Yes. Our Senior Consultant is a former social worker and has a Social Science Degree as well as over thirty years experience in the area of employment law in Ireland. The first consultation is free and it will help you to cope with bullying in the workplace.

You must make your unfair dismissal claim within six months of your date of dismissal. There are rules for calculating the date of dismissal. You need to allow time to prepare your case. If you feel you have been unfairly dismissed act now. Don't leave it too late. For more on unfair dismissal see

If something at work is affecting you, depending on how serious the matter is, consider mentioning it informally to senior management. If you feel that this will not resolve matters, then follow the company's complaints procedure manual and start the process. If the complaint is of a serious nature you should seek independent advice and, where necessary, make a formal complaint to the WRC. Please contact us for  help.

Gardening leave is where an employee is still in receipt of pay and benefits, but has been asked not to attend or perform work. This can occur where an employee has been dismissed on notice and the employer has placed them on gardening leave for the duration of the notice.

First of all you should seek independent legal advice. Not all employers are familiar with the legislation affecting redundancy. You may be able to challenge some aspect of the redundancy. Were you selected fairly? Were you given sufficient notice? You should protect and enforce your employment law rights. Talk to us today. We deal with redundancy here

The glass ceiling is a barrier that is said to exist when a member of one sex  gets continuously passed over for promotion due to biais against that sex.  The most common example is a female who is overlooked for promotion in favour of her less experienced or less qualified male work colleague. It is against the law. Irish employment legislation prohibits discrimination based on gender. More

This can affect your Data Protection rights. Your employer must show that the reasons for tracking the vehicle make good business sense. It cannot be to simply track your whereabouts. You must be informed of the fact that the vehicle is being tracked and the reasons for this. See our article on Data Protection

The “ Without prejudice” principle can be used when there is a genuine attempt to settle a dispute where legal proceedings have commenced or are contemplated.

It allows the parties to enter into discussions to settle the dispute, confident in the knowledge that anything which is said in the course of “without prejudice” discussions cannot be used against that party later at the hearing of the case.

Where for example an employer makes a “without prejudice” offer of a payment to an employee who has submitted a claim for unfair dismissal to the Workplace Relations Commission in order to settle the dispute.

The employee may accept or reject the offer. If they reject the offer, the fact that the employer made such offer cannot be mentioned later in the adjudication of the dispute .

It is in the public interest to facilitate parties to settle disputes and avoid litigation if possible. That is the reasoning behind the “without prejudice” principle.

Answers to questions frequently asked by employers in Ireland

First of all we can offer you a Free Audit. This involves completing a questionnaire. This will highlight areas of employment law compliance which may need attention.

When this is completed we will then discuss with you the extent of the employment law audit which we believe is necessary for your business. Remember it is better to fix things now, rather than pay the full price of non compliance later, with fines, compensation and damaging publicity .

Information on the wide range of employment law services which we provide.

Yes. Most small businesses in Ireland do not have the personnel numbers to carry out independent investigation of complaints or breaches of workplace policies. Our qualified experts have the wide skills base necessary to ensure that any investigation is carried out in accordance with law, procedures and natural justice.

Information on how to make a payment to us.

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