Seeking advice

How to get the best from the service we offer


aarc blueadvice350Getting the best advice is directly related to asking the right questions.

When you are feeling stressed because of a situation at work, or a pending dismissal or other breach of your employment rights, it can be difficult to organise your thoughts when seeking advice.

Make a note of the points on which you need information .

Check out our website for information on the topic. Does that answer your question? If yes, great, if no then you need to supply information as to how your case is different and what answers you are seeking.

Tell your story in a logical manner. Keep it simple.

Which service should I use?

If your question is straight forward with a simple answer then use the free consultation service.

If however, as is the case in the majority of enquiries, your question relates to a number of factors and may involve calculations and a review of the law, then the express enquiry service is the one for you.

I suppose the real test is how important is the query? If you think that you may have a claim against your employer, then you will want the peace of mind that comes from knowing that your case is being examined by experts. Too many employee claims are lost because the employee filled out the claim form themselves and either claimed under the wrong area of law or falied to claim under all of the areas that were open to them.

We are an independent employment law consultancy. We are not a government funded agency. We have bills to pay like everyone else. By using the express enquiry service, you get the benefit of over thirty five years experience in employment law, for a very reasonable price. We are happy to help.









A simple enquiry

This is where you want to ask a short question and you only need a short answer. When completing this please supply as much detail as possible, that way, when we contact you we will have had time to consider the subject matter of your enquiry. Don’t just write “contact me” and expect us to know what you are enquiring about. Remember, the simple enquiry, is just that, it does not claim to give you the definitive legal opinion on your case.  It is designed to give you the peace of mind that you can consult with an expert to get guidance on what to do next, for free (subject to our terms and conditions)

The initial time limited consultation is free. If you want us to act on your behalf we will agree the fee with you in advance of taking any action. That way you do not get any unexpected bills.

Do not use this enquiry service if you need an answer in a hurry. This is for enquiries which are not time sensitive. We, understandably, give priority to our priority enquiry service users. See green button above.


a simple enquiry button





Hand holding small clockThe clock is ticking !!!

The major factor in all of these enquiry forms is time.

You must make your claim to the Workplace Relations Commission within six months.

Don’t put off making your enquiry. Time is running against you.

It takes time to put a claim together.

Time favours the employer.

Let us help you. Enquire now.



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