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Take steps now to tackle workplace bullying - Potential or existing

Why you need a policy now

image of people in a workplaceBullying in the workplace is more prevalent than you think. Ignoring it is not an option.It is an insidious problem, that eats away at workplace morale and costs you the employer thousands of euro in lost and low productivity .

As an employer you strive to create a work friendly environment. A happy worker is a productive worker. You may believe that bullying at work does not take place in your business. How can you be sure that it doesn't exist and that it will not arise in the future? The simple answer is by having and implementing an anti-bullying workplace policy.
What can happen if I don't have a bullying and harassment policy ?
There is a steady increase in the number of bullying and harassment cases being taken against Irish employers. Substantial compensation is paid to workers who can demonstrate that they have suffered psychological injury as a result of bullying at work. Add to that the legal bill for costs, and we are looking at a hefty figure.
There is also the loss of productivity that results from the bullying.




What steps can I take immediately?

The first and most important step is to draft a bullying and harassment policy. This lets everyone know that you do not tolerate bullying or harassment in your business. For more See article on recognising the signs of bullying.
Let all staff members know that bullying is not to be tolerated.
Have a clear procedure for dealing with bullying complaints. Make it user friendly and widely known. Consider regular training to create an awareness of bullying and how to stop its spread. Make it clear that you have a zero tolerance for workplace bullying.
Train supervisors and managers on how to recognise bullying behaviour and what to do when it occurs.

We offer a number of online training courses tailored for management to help them recognise bullying when it occurs and how to implement the company policy on bullying.

We also offer online courses for employees to help reduce the incidence of bullying in the workplace by creating an awareness of how it affects a person and how to avail of the company policy on bullying.

By implementing a policy on workplace bullying and offering training you are carrying out your duty of care to your employees.

For more information and help, contact us today using the orange Yes! Tell Me More button below.  


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Where can I get more help?

Contact us using the orange Yes! Tell Me More button below.  


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Photo courtesy Lars Plougmann cc.15


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