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The inspectors are coming. Get ready now


a pair of glasses on a mouse mat , a mouse and a smartphone with banner stating Are you ready for an inspection?We have noticed an increase in the number of inspections being carried out by the Workplace Relations Commission. These inspections check to see how the employer is complying with current employment legislation in Ireland.


In 2016 the WRC completed 4830 inspections, of which 2877 (60%) were unannounced, and found 1981 employers in breach of employment legislation. A total of 2,398 breaches of employment legislation were recorded. By far the most common breach was failure to keep adequate employment records (62%).

For more on employment records see


More joint investigations

2016 saw an increase in the collaborative work between the WRC and other government agencies. A total of 657 joint investigation visits were carried out by inspectors from the WRC with their counterparts in the Revenue Commissioners and/or the Department of Social Protection. The WRC also works closely with the Garda National Immigration Bureau and the Garda National Protective Services Unit in terms of reporting potential immigration and human trafficking issues encountered during inspections.

Get ready for an inspection now and save a lot of pain and expense later.

For more on inspections see





Our services

We will carry out a full audit of your employment law provisions. We will check all employment contracts, procedures manuals, work records, etc and point out any deficiencies. Our experienced employment law practitioners will work with you to upgrade all employment law requirements so as to pass the inspection. It is better to do this now voluntarily rather than later under orders from the WRC inspector. It is better to avoid the attention of the various inspectors.


Don’t put it off. Take action now

It costs nothing to make the initial enquiry. Contact us today using the orange Yes! Tell Me More button below and we will discuss with you the most cost effective way ensure that you are up to date with your employment law legal obligations.




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